Wildcat Books

Wildcat Books
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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Olivia goes to Venice

K.1.1. Use all senses as appropriate to observe, sort and describe objects according to their composition and physical properties, such as size, color and shape. Explain these choices to others and generate questions about the objects.

Students will be able to use their five senses as they complete the different activities provided on the board. After reading through the book Olivia goes to Venice, the students will pretend to discover the city of Venice as they use their sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing just as the main character, Olivia, did in the book.

Activity Description:
1. Read Olivia goes to Venice by Ian Falconer
2. Complete each activity on the board using the five senses:
- Sight: use the binoculars to discover objects along the Grand Canal
- Taste: select one of the mystery flavors from the basket, and make an educated guess of the believed flavor. Check your answer by opening the window of the building.
- Touch: place your hand inside the brick located in the bell tower and make an educated guess of the object you have discovered. Check your answer by looking at the back of the brick.
- Hear: pull the string to hear the bell of the bell tower.
- Smell: scratch the colorful circles, and make an educated guess of the scent that matches the smell. Check your answer by opening the window of the building.
3. For additional learning about the city of Venice, as well as activities that can be done while visiting the city, use the QR Code which will lead you to a website with necessary information.

·                     Olivia goes to Venice by Ian Falconer
·                     Colorful Paper
·                     Stapler
·                     Tape
·                     Hot glue gun
·                     Glue stick
·                     Scissors
·                     Markers
·                     Crayons
·                     Cardboard boxes
·                     Paper bags
·                     Olivia (character) cut out
·                     Popsicle stick
·                     Velcro
·                     Charcoal or paint (for background)
·                     Toilet paper rolls (for binoculars)
·                     String
·                     Small bell
·                     Scratch and sniff circles (Jello powder, baking soda, and water)
·                     Tootsie Rolls (or any flavored candy)
·                     Objects for brick (ones that can be identified through touch)


Olivia goes to Venice by Ian Falconer


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