Wildcat Books

Wildcat Books
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Monday, November 14, 2016

Our Cool Friends

Our Cool Friends

Students will be able to explore what Emperor penguins eat as well as their habitat. Students will get a fish shaped worksheet out of the red back pack to work on as the interact with the bulletin board. Students will also be given the opportunity to explore various types of penguins including African penguins.

After exploring Emperor penguins' habitat and diet through interacting with the bulletin board, students will make observations on a worksheet.   

1.LS.3 Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats

 After scanning the QR code provided and watching the One Cool Friend read aloud, students will explore four different types of penguins located on the pole. One of the penguins has a QR code with a live stream to watch African penguins. Next, students will be able to identify the food emperor penguins eat using the continuity tester. Finally, students will take a fish worksheet out of the backpack and choose the appropriate climate and meal for the emperor penguin.

  • Cotton balls
  • Fishing line
  • QR codes
  • Boxes
  • White, red, blue, black, yellow paper
  • folder 
  • foil
  • Continuity Tester (Light up pen)

Exemplary Literature:

Read Aloud Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSXK9xbWkSM 

QR Code for Read Aloud:

Monday, November 7, 2016

Mama Where are you from?

(Social Studies Integration)

Objective: After the students read the book Mama Where are you from? students will be able to compare where they are from to where their family is from. 

Standard: 1.1.1 Compare the ways individuals in the community lived in the past with the way they live in the present

Description: The main focus of this board is to build communication between the student and their family. We want the students to describe how they live in the way Mama did  on a cut out that looks like clothes. Then they need to take a postcard home and bring it back filled out with where their parents/ adults are from. When there are several clothes and postcards students will be able to look at the clothes cutouts as a whole and the postcards as a whole and look for similarities and difference between the people of different generations. 

- Construction Paper 
- Cutouts for the clothes, little house in background, stars, letters and trees
- Coloring pencils, markers pens and pencils for writing and adding detail
- Scissors for cut out clothes and bigger house
- Roll paper for background and big clothes line rod
- Twin for clothesline and hanging the stars
- Clothespins

Exemplary Literature:
Image result for mama where are you from

Read Aloud Video Link:


Read Aloud QR Code:

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Music Isn't Scary!

Objective: After hearing specific sounds and beats in a read aloud book, students will listen to the book again and follow along by making the correct sound along with the correct beat.

Standard: 2.4.3 Arrange and perform a short sound piece cooperatively in small groups using the voice, body percussion, found items, or classroom instruments.

Description: After listening to the read aloud The Little Old Woman Who Was Not Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams, students will participate in the hands-on activities at the learning station. In the read aloud, students will get to hear how different instruments are used to make different sounds. They will learn that instruments can be made by using different parts of the body or they can be man-made. The students will have the opportunity to make their own egg shaker instruments. They can use these, their own body, and the other instruments provided to make music. Their are multiple QR codes that allow students to listen to various beats made by the given instruments. Students can identify the different instruments and play back the beats on their own. They also will get to make up their own song with different beats from different instruments and then record it in the hollow tree on their IPads. They also will get to explore provided literature about music and how they can see and make it in the world around them. Through these activities, students will feel more comfortable with music in general and not be afraid to get out and experience it on their own. 


Tree: Long sheets of colored paper, leaf cutouts, staples, tape
Music notes: Music note cutouts, tape, staples
Bins: Sturdy storage bins, command strips
Background: Sheets of construction paper, printed pictures
Egg Shakers: Plastic Easter eggs, rice, tape
Clappers: Metal bottlecaps, cardboard
Pan Clinker: Egg pan, paper clips, string, tape
Rubber Band Guitar: Kleenex box, rubber bands
Wood blocks: Wooden block, wooden rod
Steps Leading to Hollow Tree: Footstep cutouts, rubber cement
IPad recording station: We had a "hollow tree." This can be any other creative area near the learning station. 

Exemplary Literature:

QR Code For Read Aloud: