Wildcat Books

Wildcat Books
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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!

Language Arts Standard:

EL.1.6.8 2006

Spell correctly three- and four-letter words (can, will) and grade-level-appropriate sight words (red, fish).


After exploring the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom bulletin board, students will be able to explore their knowledge of spelling through various activities 

Activity Description:
Velcro Spelling- students answer questions on the bulletin board by spelling the correct answers with velcro letters.
Falling letters-students unclip letters falling from the vines and reattach them to the tree to see how many words they can form with the given letters.
Magnetic Tree Hole- Students draw pictures from the adjacent cups and spell the words with the magnetic letters on the tree.

            <-----What the book looks like 

      Want to watch a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom video?
               watch it here!

Monday, February 25, 2013

First Peoples of Indiana

First Peoples of Indiana

A Cross-Curricular Bulletin Board: Social Studies and Literature

SS.4.1.1 2007
Native American Indians and the Arrival of Europeans to 1770. Identify and compare the major early cultures that existed in the region that became Indiana prior to contact with Europeans.
Example: Paleo-Indians such as the Hopewell, Adena and the Mississippian cultures

Produce a piece of writing that demonstrates understanding of the First Peoples of Indiana.

Material List:
·      Big paper (and lots of it!... orange, yellow, brown)
·      Cut-out of the state of Indiana
·      Die-cut shapes (buffalo, trees, deer, numbers, letters)
·      Big paper (blue and brown)
·      Hot glue
·      Lamp
·      Big blanket
·      Books for inside
·      Masking tape
·      Twine/string
·      Clothespins
·      Face paint
·      Slips of paper for Native American names
·      Paper for quizzes
·      Wire hangers for book display
·      Any needed materials for writing prompt

·      A bulletin board all about the Native American tribes of Indiana.
·      5 activity stations:
o   (1) “Read It”: Read books about Native American tribes inside the wigwam.
o   (2) “Explore It”: Explore the QR codes to learn more. Then, quiz yourself using the “Quiz It” questions beneath the board.
o   (3) “Name It”: Read some examples of Native American names and their meanings. Then, choose your own Native American name, write it on paper, and tag it to the twine with a clothespin.
o   (4) “Write It”: Respond to this question in a free-write: How does our culture today compare to the culture of Indiana’s native Miami people?  Use specific examples and/or pictures.
o   (5) “Create It”: Read what each paint color means, then use face paint to paint your own face!

Link to QR Sites:

Book List:
*The Legend of Indian Paintbrush by Tomie dePaola
*Many Nations: An Alphabet of Native America by Joseph Bruchac
Native Americans by Evelyn Wolf
The Cherokee Indians by Nicole Claro
Indians of the Northeast
Indian Chiefs
Meet the North American Indians 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Adventures with The "Real" Magic Treehouse

It's Adventure Time!

Language Arts Standard:
3.3.4      Determine the theme or author’s message in fiction and nonfiction text.
Social Studies Standard:
3.1.7          Distinguish between fact and fiction in historical accounts by comparing documentary sources on historical figures and events with fictional characters and events in stories.


After exploring the Magic Treehouse books and center, students will be able to
               Explain the difference between fiction and non-fiction literature.
               Explain how a realistic fiction story can be put into a real historic setting

Activity Description:
The Magic Tree House Adventure is designed to be an eye-popping station that will excite students about reading. The station includes four substations where students will be able to write a play using provided props, journal about their experiences in reading, learn the difference between fiction and nonfiction, and explore the world with a Google Trek documenting Jack and Annie's adventures around the world. One of the coolest features of the tree is that students can actually sit within the tree with their favorite books for a snug reading spot.

So what books should you read in your lovely treehouse? We recommend some of these!


Looking for some more adventure!?
Try out the Google Trek we made tracking Jack & Annie by clicking here
Interested in seeing more pictures of our treehouse? click here

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ben Franklin Meets Social Media

A Social Studies and Literature Cross-Curricular Bulletin Board

Indiana State Standard: 5.1.9 Evaluate the contributions of political and religious leaders in colonial America.

Objective: Students will have the opportunity to learn about Benjamin Franklin and his impact of colonial America.

Activity Description:
This bulletin board features Benjamin Franklin put into the social media world. The "Facebook" or what we would like to call it if it existed in colonial times, "Silhouette Gazette", board contains information about Ben Franklin. The "Twitter" board is an interactive bulletin board. Students are able to read about Ben (from the selection of books), and then "tweet" him a comment or question. The "Pinterest" activity above the bulletin boards is a quiz called, "Name That Invention...On Pinterest". Students will also play tic-tac-toe. The tic-tac-toe game is done with a partner and there are choices of activities to complete!

Examples of exemplary literature to include:

Here is the QR Code used on the board: http://bensguide.gpo.gov/benfranklin/index.html

Instructions Posted for Bulletin Boards! 

The Silhouette Gazette Board:
1) Investigate Ben’s Gazette page.
2) Play the Scavenger Hunt TIC-TAC-TOE game with a partner.
3) Put the completed game in the box to become eligible for a prize drawing.

Here is a picture of the Tic-Tac-Toe Scavenger Hunt Worksheet:

Twitter Board:
1) Look at the books about Ben Franklin.
2) Use the marker to write a “tweet” on the white paper to Ben about something you
learned or about a question you may have. 

Name That Invention on Pinterest (above boards):
1) Look at the pictures of inventions made by Ben Franklin.
2) Using the books provided or the website, guess the name of each invention!

Cut Out letters
Construction paper
Laminated white strips of paper
Dry Erase Marker
Print out of images on computer paper (searched for them on google)

On That Note

On that Note.....

                                A literature and music cross-curricular bulletin board.
Explore music through reading, listening, and experiencing!

E.L.1.3.2-Describe the roles of authors and illustrators.
MU.1.2- Students play short patterns using body percussion and pitched and non-pitched classroom instruments. They maintain a steady tempo when playing with a group.
MU.1.2.1-Echo short melodic and rhythmic patterns.
MU.1.2.2-Maintain a steady beat on a percussion instrument while playing in a group.

Objective: Students will explore different assets of music with an emphasis on Duke Ellington through literature, listening to music, and creating their own music.

Homemade Instruments:
Comb buzzer- comb, wax paper
Horn- paper towel roll, wax paper, rubber band 
Shaker- two paper plates, rice or popcorn, stapler 
Drum- empty pringles can or oatmeal can, balloon or lid
Guitar- empty tissue box, rubber bands
CD with Duke Ellington music- check your local library!

Activity Description: This interactive bulletin board has three stations about music and literary analysis. Students will read literature about music, create their own music with homemade instruments focusing on rhythm and beat, and listen to pieces of music by Duke Ellington (a famous musician) while learning about his life.

Station 1:
-Students read and explore literature about music, and learn about the authors/ illustrators through QR codes.

Station 2:
-Students learn how to make their own homemade instruments and participate in playing a song using those instruments. They will follow along with the corresponding instruments in the video (which is found through the QR code) or make their own song with various rhythms.

Station 3:
-Students will discover more about Duke Ellington by listening to some of his music and explore his biography through a QR code.

Exemplary Literature


QR Codes to include:
http://www.brianpinkney.net/main.html (station 1)

http://www.nccil.org/experience/artists/raschkac/index.htm (station 1)

http://www.peterkuper.com (station 1)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj15pX517Gc (station 2)

http://www.biography.com/people/duke-ellington-9286338 (station 3)

*Check out www.iwuteacher.com for more information about Indiana Wesleyan University Teacher Education Program.

Adventures with Columbus

Get ready to go on an adventure with Christopher Columbus as he discovers America!
History with an emphases on literature 

5.2 Students trace the routes of early explorers and describe the early explorations of the Americas.

After completing this activity, the students will demonstrate their understanding of Christopher Columbus journey by tracing the path that he took when discovering North America.

Activity description: 
The bulletin board features the journey of Christopher Columbus to America. The students will begin by selecting their own ship. Next they will start where Columbus first shipped off. The students will follow the path that Columbus sailed, while picking up different facts and information along the way. At each stop, there is a number of a bottle that contains what occurred at that point in the trip. The students will ultimately reach their destination when they have reached North America! This bulletin board is a great way to get students to actively participate in learning.  

String, bottles (glass or plastic), construction paper, tacks, and velcro.  

Examples of exemplary literature to include:
A picture book of Christopher Columbus By David A. Adler
The log of Christopher Columbus By Christopher Columbus

Columbus By Ingri & Edgar Parin D'Aulaire

   Journeys in Time: A New Atlas of American History By Elspeth Leacock

Encounter By Jane Yolen, David Sannon

QR Code: http://youtu.be/Qc_F4siyC9g